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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cain - but not too able.

The GOP race for the presidential nomination has a new leader - Herman 'The Pizza Guy' Cain! Several recent polls, including CBS and CNN, have placed Cain in a dead heat with Romney, both well ahead of the plummeting Perry, grumpy Ron Paul, and creaking Newt Gingrich. Now a new Newsmax/Insider Advantage poll actually shows Cain to have a slight lead at 26%!

What happened? Just a couple of weeks ago Perry was already getting fitted for his coronation robes, then along came Latinogate and got him deported. It seems that happy Hispanic college kids are not big GOP kingmakers. In the meantime, Cain scored a landslide in the Florida straw poll, then repeated the performance with the National Federation of Republican Women. The result was a 20% kick in the pants. Imagine, just a month ago, Bachmann was the flavour of Iowa and by November we might be praising The Almighty Newt - or not. Let's admit it, nobody is getting goose bumps watching this Class of 2012, and with Christie and Palin at last out of contention, chances are that the re-cycled lead will be the Republican's only green policy. Of course, the way the calender is changing, the primaries may start before Halloween!

Cain may have a 'Rocky Road' ahead, but why even bother to check out 'Black Walnut'? Who will all the Bubbas vote for if this turns into an Obama-Cain race? Others are already claiming that Cain will actually be the first 'Real Black President'. Sorry, Barack, I think you just got downgraded to gray! It seems that 'The Pizza Guy' has inherited the weekly Tea Party mantle just because he has avoided sticking his head in the oven - at least until yesterday. Telling the Wall Street protesters to blame themselves if they are poor and unemployed was not exactly the pinnacle of tact and compassion - even if they aren't the kind of registered 'reds' he is wooing.

Does selling pizza really prepare you for being 'The Leader of the Free World'? Are we ready for 2-for-1 diplomacy and hot wing innovations? Cain's 9-9-9 plan also sounds like a another crusty old coupon promotion - though it is really more alpine holes than Swiss cheese. When corporate and income taxes plummet, Cain's sales tax will have to apply to everything from hookers to peanut butter to fill the tax void. Ready to pay Uncle Sam 9% on your next 'Italian Monkey Bread'? Taxing the rich is apparently wrong - but no pledge seems to prevent him from trying to tax back 9% of your food stamp goodies. Cain also loves to deliver holier then thou 'Humble Pizza'. Did we really need to know what Perry's hunting ranch was once called? Claiming that African-Americans have been "brainwashed" into voting Democrat is also rather taunting. Guess they would have been better off if they had all voted for Goldwater.

It is hardly a surprise that Republicans are still praying for a new candidate to ride in on his white charger and pull the conservative pie from the fire. If Herman 'Pizza King' Cain is their most able candidate, Obama may not be the real underdog for long.

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