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Friday, September 23, 2011

Confessions of a Closet Evangelical

OK. It is time to come out of the closet! Sorry folks, I'm not gay.... I'm Evangelical!! There I said it! I actually applied the 'E' word to me!

Now that all the Non-E's hate me too, I might as well tell the whole story. The truth is, no one wants to play my game. You see, I have also had a lifelong love affair with science and long ago jumped off the required social bandwagons. One result of these sins is that my Sunday morning congregation usually meets in my bed.

Life can be difficult when labels won't stick. If I say I'm an evangelical, people assume I love Perry and Bachmann, other guys avoid flirting with me, and conversations about global warming get rather testy. If I stay subtly secular, the assumptions quickly change. Now the people I meet assume I worship Stalin, nobody flirts with me, and the topic soon changes to the latest Greenpeace crusade (Yes, Virginia... they still exist!)

It is probably a safe bet that there are a lot of labels that are now 'sticky' challenged. The other day I saw several Jewish Republicans on CNN complaining to a gay, black anchor that Obama was being a poor friend to Israel. That was just a few days after several black congressional leaders suggested that their president was lining up just to the right of Ron Paul. I have also heard seniors suggest that health care must be reformed, a few unelectable Republicans defend evolution and global warming, and Tea Party supporters urge a level of compromise.

If this sticky crisis continues we may just live to see the Pope's Bar Mitzvah, a gay Tea Party caucus and witness a democratic president call for changes to entitlements...

What's that? Obama wants to re-do Medicare and Social Security? OMG we have finally reached stickygeddon! How can we live with out all those cute labels that fuel our petty prejudices and support our stupid assumptions. Imagine, we may have to start actually listening to other people and judging them on their own unique set of beliefs! Is that even possible?

Nah... too much work, too time consuming. Where are my sticky notes? Need more labels. Need more labels!!! Let's start with 'Rose Liberals' and 'Teal Tea Party Fans...'

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