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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When in doubt say nothing loudly!

There really is no need to listen to either side in the Washington sideshow these days. Before the politicos even step on stage, we already know what sound byte will soon be blowing in the wind.

The GOP are now like tent preachers always hammering out the same tired sermons. Who isn't tired of hearing about how we will soon be resurrected in a new land of Milk Buds and Honey Nuts if we just keep the faith and follow the five new commandments. The Road to Salvation is simple, just give up our sinful addiction to spending, bow down to Wall Street and renounce taxation, shrink government to the size of Boehner's heart, allow the holy free enterprise system to rape and pillage the universe, and repeal every other rule passed since the old 10 Commandments were first broken.

In the next ring, Obama's Economic Flying Circus also continues to bark nothing of substance as loudly as possible. Every high wire performance necessarily spins off the 'middle class' about as often as the debt rises by another nickel. These guys also do a trapeze 'jobs act' that keeps going back and forth but can never quite land. Still, it is hilarious when the clown tries to be the big adult in the room - despite his petulant rants and his plans to pay for a hamburger today by buying more burgers every time he circles that stimulating merry-go-round.

My mother used to say 'if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all'. Now for these stooges to say something 'nice' is clearly asking too much given the current State of the Show, but can't they at least crack a few new jokes on occasion? It seems like all we are getting is old Monte Python re-runs. Where are all the new routines that will restore the great "American Pie Review' to it's place of glory as the most annoyingly proud act in the history of showbiz?

The sad truth is that American Pie is actually not going on! All three rings may be full of tricks and treats, but nobody is paying and the barkers are rasping louder and more desperate every day! Other than The Amazing Donald suggesting we beat up China and win back the title (very interesting, but probably stupid), no one else seems to have any idea how to fill up the bleachers and pay the baker for trillions of cream pies!

Personally, I blame those wily old showmen Nixon and Reagan for the current blackout under the big top! Nixon invited China to the circus to open up new markets for Show USA... you were a real comedian, Tricky Dickie! Later, Ronald tripped up the Moscow Circus and ended the War of The Rings, a rather nice little act which had kept the pie wars cooler and the ticket booth busy for almost half a century! Now every two bit act wants a piece of that classic American show, and horror of horrors, while we were busy dropping our piggy bank on the poor old snake charmer's head, the Chinese Opera raided the cookie jar and stole all our competitive brownies.

Perhaps, the only really new thing to say is 'HELP'! The new middle class is now all performing for big business shows in China or at your local MacDonald's. That is the new reality show no one wants to talk about! Oh well, circuses and tent preachers may not make us rich again, but they do make the news cycle a little more entertaining!

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