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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nice Guy Blues

Do you ever get tired of always being the nice guy?

Last week, Iran's Ahmadinejad went to the UN and told the world that 9/11 and the holocaust were just western propaganda - meanwhile the American Islamic community opened a new center right near ground zero in Manhattan. What is wrong with this picture? Can we now open a Hooter's in Tehran?

Nut Job is also threatening to execute a Christian pastor in Iran who won't deny his faith and churches in China are closing faster than brothels in the Vatican. The people in a small Tennessee town also want to prevent a new Mega-Mosque on the corner, but most of the media - except maybe Fox- has already decided they are prejudiced and hateful rednecks? Nut Job's neck must be turning royal purple!

You don't even have to go the Middle East or China to get laughed at these days. Millions of illegals from Central America are in the US. We cry about their rights on a daily basis, but when we occasionally deport a few - just paint us cruel and unjust! I lived in that part of the world for many years. Believe me - let your visa expire and get caught in a police road block (or just try to fly home!) and you go directly to jail! Even worse, there is no free flight and if you care to eat, your friends better bring your MacDonald's to the cell. Only when you or yours finally pay your return freight will you finally get deported. Still, at least they don't ask for a million in 'bail' like Iran!

Another one that always mystifies me. When western women travel to most countries in Asia or Africa they are expected to dress 'modestly' to avoid offending the locals. I hate to agree with the French (who banned burkas on security grounds), but I find burkas rather ominous and threatening. Who knows what lies in those hidden folds - perhaps we should make their women all wear bikinis so we know they aren't toting any bombs?

Amnesty International will also tell you that half the world tortures and imprisons people on a regular basis - yet we go through 'loop de loops' trying to justify a little water boarding to catch the people responsible for 9/11. What would the Saudi's do to me if I blew up Mecca - or the Chinese if I took out Beijing? I suspect that water boarding would not even be on the play list!

This list could go on and on, but I really am not suggesting that we should wallow in the mire and do unto others before they do unto us . However, a little creative role playing sure would be fun! It would almost be worth electing Michelle Bachmann if she would just walk into the UN and claim that the Koran is satanic! She would also likely go along with billing the Central American countries for repatriating their nationals, ban oriental 'occultism', and force the Saudi's to let their women drive. Last week she even suggested that idiots like Chavez and Ahmadinejad should not be allowed to enter the US to spout off at the UN!.

The only problem is she wouldn't be role playing. And who knows what else she might ban? Guess that might kind of ruin the fun of a little righteous payback.

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